Please join us (w/ food and drinks!) as Nick Larson presents “Intro to Apache Flink”!

Abstract: Apache Flink is a powerful and widely used open-source framework for distributed data processing and analytics. It offers both batch and streaming processing capabilities, high performance and scalability, and advanced features such as window operations, event time processing, and state management.

In this presentation, we will dive into the ecosystem of Apache Flink and explore its various components, such as the DataStream API and DataSet API, and the state backends available. We will also examine real-world use cases and best practices for using Flink in your data processing pipeline.

Speaker: Nick Larson is the VP of Technology for Improving Omaha. His career has been filled with assisting clients in their journey to a modern platform. He has become familiar with Confluent and Kafka over the past 5 years by working on various clients to leverage data streaming technologies as a fit to many problems they encounter.

Schedule: Pizza and Networking: 5:30 - 6:00 Presentation: 6:00 - 7:00 Jetbrains IntelliJ license raffle for in-person attendees after the talk! Post-talk drinks and conversation too!

Follow us on twitter! @omahajug

Sponsors: Thank you to Object Partners (now part of Improving) for sponsoring the room space, pizza, drinks, and site fees!

Thank you to Jetbrains for sponsoring by providing an IntelliJ License that we will raffle off to the in-person attendees!

Additionally, if your group is interested in sponsoring or speaking at OJUG, please reach out for opportunities!

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