Please join us in-person (w/ food and drinks!) as Derek Eskens presents “gRPC: The Bronze Bullet”!

Abstract: Once upon a time working outside your own playground might have meant delving into the world of Remote Procedure Calls with SOAP and the WS-* baggage that came along with it.

That pain eventually gave way to REST which reigned supreme for over a decade.

As RESTful APIs start to creak with age, GraphQL looks like the shiny new answer for some. But don’t overlook the adage “what’s old is new again”.

In this talk we’ll discuss why you might consider resurrecting Remote Procedure Calls with gRPC.

Learn: * What exactly is gRPC * Why it’s different this time * Why it’s better/worse than _____ * Why and where you might want to use it

Speaker: Derek Eskens (@snekse) is an independent consultant with 20+ years of development experience in a broad array of industries and technologies.

Most recently as Director of Modern APIs, the focus has been around surfacing best practices for integrating JVM services with front-end and other technologies.

Derek also spent many years in hospitality and customer service. That exposure has influenced how he approaches software; he’ll always be an experience advocate striving to make things simpler, faster, and more reliable.

Schedule: Pizza and Networking: 5:30 - 6:00 Presentation: 6:00 - 7:00 Jetbrains IntelliJ license raffle for in-person attendees after the talk! Post-talk drinks and conversation too!

Follow us on twitter! @omahajug

Sponsors: Thank you to Object Partners (now part of Improving) for sponsoring the room space, pizza, drinks, and site fees!

Thank you to Jetbrains for sponsoring by providing an IntelliJ License that we will raffle off to the in-person attendees!

Additionally, if your group is interested in sponsoring or speaking at OJUG, please reach out for opportunities!

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