March 28, 2017 OJUG and Spring Users Group Co-hosting Josh Long Spring 5 talk
March Madness is here with an extra special meetup. In addition to our regulary schedule March 21st meeting. OJUG is working with the Spring Users Group to co-host a Spring 5 talk from Josh Long! Link to Spring Users Group
Details below.
Spring 5 is almost here! One of the most exciting introductions in this release is support for reactive programming, building on the Pivotal Reactor project to support message-driven, elastic, resilient and responsive services. Spring 5 integrates an MVC-like component model adapted to support reactive processing and a new type of web endpoint, functional reactive endpoints. In this talk, we’ll look at the net-new Netty-based web runtime, how existing Servlet code can run on the new world, and how to integrate it with existing Spring-stack technologies.
(This past event was exported from (91 people had RSVP’d to this event in Meetup)