February 21, 2017 Elegant Builds at Scale
Elegant Builds at Scale
How can medium and large projects use Gradle to scale their build infrastructure? This session looks at organizations such as Netflix and LinkedIn and how they scale with Gradle across hundreds or thousands of developers. It discusses how to solve the challenges of standardization, fast incremental builds, dependency management, distributed caching, continuous builds, build metrics and working with multiple repositories at the same time.
Speaker Bio
Hans Dockter is the founder and project lead of the Gradle build system and the CEO of Gradle Inc. a company that provides training, support and consulting for Gradle and all forms of enterprise software project automation in general. Hans is a thought leader in the field of project automation and has successfully been in charge of numerous large-scale enterprise builds. He is also an advocate of Domain Driven Design, having taught classes and delivered presentations on this topic together with Eric Evans. In the earlier days, Hans was also a committer for the JBoss project and founded the JBoss-IDE.
(This past event was exported from Meetup.com) (55 people had RSVP’d to this event in Meetup)