September 20, 2016 Mirror -- Demo & architecture discussion/code walk-through
The presentation will be a short demo and then architecture discussion/code walk-through of mirror (, a two-way/real-time version of rsync.
Mirror ( is built on top of grpc (, which is Google’s new RPC-over-Protobuf project, so we’ll also briefly cover how that works, what the proto files look like, etc.
Stephen Haberman ( is very cool. His talks are always wonderful.
Location:Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska, 1919 Aksarben Dr, Omaha, NE 68180
5:30 Networking 6:00 Food – Courtesy of TekSystems 6:30 Presentation 8-ish Drinks and more at DJ’s Dugout (Aksarben)
Please RSVP at Also, in the FREE STUFF department, JetBrains has signed up to be an additional sponsor, and is giving us 1 free IntelliJ IDEA licenses to raffle away EVERY MONTH! So stick around for the drawing at the end of the meeting before we head to DJ’s!
(This past event was exported from (40 people had RSVP’d to this event in Meetup)